Our network, consisting of the top brains in the field as well as in close cooperation with famous universities, foresees the latest trends and recognizes sustainable meta-themes, which are trained in pleasant atmospheres in our education programs and have practically proved in the most effective way.
Night of mediation
"... However, the court of justice legally complained about part of the regulation of the planning declaratory resolution concerning the night flights that would allow an average of 150 scheduled flight movements per night, 17 of them allowed to take place between 23:00 and 5:00 o’clock, the so-called night of mediation. Particularly the night silence has to be respected. This fact is not taken into consideration sufficiently in the planning declaratory resolution. The reasons mentioned by the planning declaratory authority could not resist to a legal review ...”
(Excerpt from the finding of the Hesse Administrative Court 24/2009 to test cases against the expansion of Frankfurt Airport)