Quality control, principles, values, protection of confidence

Does confidentiality for information and documents remain intact?

Yes, absolutely! The Falk Group is working in business mediation or advisory exclusively with "registered mediators" and consultants from the list of the Austrian Ministry of Justice. Therefore, they are subject to an extremely rigorous and comprehensive "absolute" obligation to confidentiality according to § 18 of the Mediation law. This means that even in case of release by the clients, under normal circumstances, it is even not allowed to become a witness in court. Also our whole administrative staff and the cooperation partners of the FALK group are subject to this main principle of business confidentiality.

What are the principles and values followed by the FALK Group?

In order to control critical business situations in a success-oriented way, we have precise and clear principles and values. Our method is based on the principles of autonomy and self-responsibility. Voluntariness, respect and discretion are other pillars as well as clearness and simplicity. The interest, benefit and success of our clients and of their direct environment, which is included as a solution resource, are in the centre of our attention.

How is quality control done by the FALK Group?

Our mediators and consultants as well as cooperation partners are highly experienced mediators and consultants with business experience who are committed to the values of the FALK Group. They are strictly selected according to their professional experience, expert competence, power of innovation, practical relevance of the service and the integrity of the acting persons. Their methods and tools are always up to the latest international state-of-the-art, they are continually trained and scientifically controlled. Our mediators and employees are also subject to the strict directives of the Mediation Law. Therefore, the Falk Group maintains the Austrian quality leadership in applied business mediation since the 1990th.



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Business mediation is particularly based on cooperation. It is a proven evolutionary principle that only cooperation, in fact on a voluntary basis, can guarantee survival and produce quality. Therefore, the FALK Group passes over its knowledge in exclusive seminars and is also in cooperation with strong partners that serve your interests.

Rapid, flexible, international.


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