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Legal basis

The Falk Group is a training institute registered at the Ministry of Justice according to § 23 of the Civil Law for Mediation 2003, under the number BMJ-A604.02/0075-III5/2004. The Falk Group carries out its mediatory services on basis of their organs’ registrations in the list of mediators of civil law at the Austrian Ministry of Justice according to § 15 of the Civil Law for Mediation 2003 under the following numbers: GZBMJ-A604.03/0947-III from 5/2004 and GZBMJ -A604.03/0573-III from 5/2005. According to § 35 of the Civil Law for Mediation, the Industrial Code 1994 is “not applicable” on the activities of registered mediators because the Civil Law for Mediation requires much more conditions and obligations than the Industrial Code.

The business licenses of the Falk Group from the Municipality of Klagenfurt contain under the number GW 305/29/2005 register number 201F/761/1 from 8th March 2005 the organization of events (courses, seminars, congresses, etc.) and under the number GW 300/275/212 register number 201F/761/2 business consultancy according to § 94 Z 74 Industrial Code 1994 (organization, personnel management, coaching).


We assume no responsibility for the correctness, completeness and timeliness of the homepage and the website, mistakes are reserved. The user accepts the use of the site at his/her own risk, so that nobody who was involved in the preparation of the information, is liable for damages or consequential damages, and this liability is limited respectively to the minimum permissible by law.

Gender-friednly formulation

The formulation of all terms, which refer to individuals, is used for both sexes.


On this website, information from internal and external sources is provided. The respective copyrights and other rights are, according to domestic and EU law, with the Falk Group or the specifically named other sources. The reproduction of texts and data, including storage and use on optical and electronic media is permitted only with previous written consent. The download or printout is permitted with pleasure for personal, noncommercial use.


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