How is the payment of fees in the FALK Group effected?

Beside the initial appointment (see “initial appointment” below), the fee agreement is possible in three different ways, at the request of the clients (see our terms and conditions):

a) Fixed fee per day or hour irrespective of the subject/content or the occurrence of success. The basis fee per day/hour for physical meetings in 2012 is € 2.500/350 (plus VAT), for travel times € 120 (plus VAT) per hour.

b) Especially agreed fee per day or hour, which depends on the value or the special size of the subject/content/effort (Law of Advocates' Fees). This irrespective of the occurrence of success.

c) Success-oriented fee. Therefore, the desired outcome is determined together and it is checked if neutrality and role of the mediator can be maintained in accordance with § 1 ZivMediatG (Civil Mediation Law). Then the height of the success-oriented fee is set by mutual agreement. As reimbursement for availability and administration, an administration fee of 25% of the fixed fee (see above) plus necessary expenses and disbursements (charges etc.) has to be reimbursed by the client.


Business mediation is particularly based on cooperation. It is a proven evolutionary principle that only cooperation, in fact on a voluntary basis, can guarantee survival and produce quality. Therefore, the FALK Group passes over its knowledge in exclusive seminars and is also in cooperation with strong partners that serve your interests.

Rapid, flexible, international.


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