What makes the FALK Group Business Mediation Advisory different?

First of all, our rich experience and international success as a pioneer and trendsetter in the world-wide successful business mediation in Austria and other countries of the EU since the early 1990th. The Falk Group sees itself as an entrepreneur who understands practical-oriented the interests of entrepreneurs. Usability and practical relevance are the main topics of our philosophy. You will get safety for your success goals, also and especially in critical situations. Just like our services, all administrative processes are standardized transparently and understandable. Our consequent quest for "Business Excellence" is manifested in a measurable outcome, the acceleration of results and in a tightly associated claim for the highest quality with guaranteed success. Because the expense for a FALK Group Business Mediation Advisory does not only amortize, but in most cases its synergetic overall benefit exceeds the input by far.


Business mediation is particularly based on cooperation. It is a proven evolutionary principle that only cooperation, in fact on a voluntary basis, can guarantee survival and produce quality. Therefore, the FALK Group passes over its knowledge in exclusive seminars and is also in cooperation with strong partners that serve your interests.

Rapid, flexible, international.


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