Restructuring of a regional bank

A regional bank, consisting of a headquarter and several dozen branches in the legal form of a public limited company (plc), is facing a merger with a major bank, with conversion of all employment contracts. Internally, for more than a year there have been vehement dynamics of defense and numerous threats of legal measures of the 600 employees that make the company nearly incapable of action. In three plenary sessions of the leadership team with representatives of the employees and the management board of 26 persons, it was possible to develop a working model.

Mediation volume (reduction of damage plus optimization of organization) about € 4 millions.


If you add the avoidable costs of such conflicts and the lost benefit of reasonable solutions, you will get more than 100 million euro damage a year.


He contributed to consensual solutions in disputed airport constructions as well in better conclusions of neighborhood disputes, company transfers or the proceeding concerning nine German who were killed 2005 in their cabin by a helicopter load.

Mediation is necessary in all places where two or more business partners get into a conflict that begins to get a legal character.

This is a very important sign of the provincial government which in this way discusses on the same level with affected persons, advocates and opponents and expresses its seriousness in finding a solution. After all, it is the provincial government to make the decision.


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