How do initial appointments for Business mediation or advisory take place?

First of all: The costs for initial appointments with the FALK Group, are partially covered by the Chamber of Commerce or your legal protection insurance – just ask us. First, a target-oriented initial appointment with a duration of two hours must be arranged in order to clear the order. You can make use of it alone or with several people. There a first report with the following content is made and delivered electronically within 48 hours:

  • a short evaluation of the written "target potential" test, which all participants can complete before the initial appointment,
  • an estimation of your current situation and its solution potential from an external expert,
  • if and how the FALK Group is able to accelerate the achievement of your personal targets and
  • a flipchart-report with an initial visualization of the solution potential and of relevant partners of the system, elaborated during the initial appointment,
  • if necessary (sometimes this target-oriented initial appointment is already sufficient) and as far as possible, an approximate estimation of the time and money further-needed, divided into phase-oriented packages.

 The fee for this success-oriented all-inclusive-package is only € 750, - (plus VAT) at our headquarter in Klagenfurt, within Austria there is an additional fee of € 180, - (plus VAT). This allows you to create the best basis for all further decisions.


Business mediation is particularly based on cooperation. It is a proven evolutionary principle that only cooperation, in fact on a voluntary basis, can guarantee survival and produce quality. Therefore, the FALK Group passes over its knowledge in exclusive seminars and is also in cooperation with strong partners that serve your interests.

Rapid, flexible, international.


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